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What is Vedic?
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What is Vedic Meditation?

Vedic Meditation is a simple yet powerful technique for dissolving accumulated stress in people with full lives and busy schedules. 

In this straight-forward and effortless practice, we sit twice a day for 20-minutes in a comfortable position with our backs supported and our eyes closed. A prescribed mantra, a sound with no intended meaning, is used to draw the mind inward towards a deeply restful state, one which studies show  – even in a meditator with under two weeks of practice - to be 2 to 5 times more restorative than the rest gained at any given point during a night’s sleep. 

Vedic Meditation is for everyone, and while unaffiliated with any sect or religion, the practice is derived from the Veda, the 5000 year old Indian body of knowledge responsible for giving rise to Yoga, Buddhism, and much of eastern philosophy. For thousands of years people across the world have utilized a version of an eyes closed practice, going inward as a means of stabilizing serenity in the mind, body, and spirit. 

Learn To Meditate

Intro Talk

Attend one of my free introductory talks or schedule a phone consultation as an opportunity to  learn:

  • The basic structure of a Vedic Meditation practice, and how it differs from that of other well-known practices, such as mindfulness and zen.

  • The short and long term mental and physiological effects of this practice

  • What to expect during the 4-day course

  • Questions and answers

  • There is no cost or commitment for an intro talk or phone consultation

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4 - Day Course

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The course takes place over four consecutive days,

each day running between 60-90 minutes.

  • You’ll have a private, one on one initiation during which you’ll receive your mantra and meditate for the first time.

  • In the three days following, we'll meditate and share experiences, you’ll gain a clear understanding of the mechanics of Vedic meditation, and you'll receive tools to refine your technique, ensuring you complete the course with a self-sufficient and effortless practice that fits into your life.    

  • We’ll look at the effects of stress on our bodies and how meditation systematically removes accumulated stress and fatigue, giving us renewed and improved mental and physical energy, adaptability, and response.

  • The course builds incrementally, and students are required to attend all four days of instruction.

Lifetime of Free Follow-Up

  • Completing your 4-day initiation entitles you to a lifetime of free group meditations with me and with any group meditation in the Vedic community, across the globe.

  • Need a refresher? The course fee also entitles you to sit in on any Vedic initiator’s course as a means to review the fundamentals and mechanics of our technique.

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